Die cutting

Die cutting

die cutting​

Die cutting is an efficient, versatile, and cost-effective manufacturing method, particularly suitable for producing large quantities. Die cutting is applicable as a cutting method for the majority of the materials we work with.

Precision Cutting
of material

Die cutting is a method where material is cut with a perpendicular cutting edge. The die cutting tool is always custom-made, taking into account the characteristics and requirements of the material being cut.

Efficient Production

We have a new and innovative CNC-controlled die cutter with a rotating cutting head. This enables even more precise optimization of material usage, as the cutting head can be moved laterally and rotated into different positions.

Suitable for Large Production Volumes

Our product engineering team assists in selecting the most cost-effective and suitable manufacturing method. Die cutting is often chosen for high-volume production quantities when the end product is two-dimensional.

Materials for Die Cutting

Die cutting is suitable for the majority of materials we work with where the maximum thickness is depending on the material’s characteristics. A soft material can have a greater thickness. However, an excessively soft material may lose its shape easily, and the cut may not be as neat.  When considering the manufacturing method, it’s important to take into account the required tolerances and specify the type of cut that is adequate for the intended use of the final product.

of die cutting

Die cutting is a versatile manufacturing method that offers numerous advantages for various production needs. Its popularity stems from several key benefits, making it an attractive option for many industries.

Efficient Mass Production

Die cutting is well-suited for large-volume production, enabling fast and efficient manufacturing.

Precise Design

Die cutting provides precise and consistent product manufacturing, which is especially crucial for dimensionally accurate products.

Low Tooling Costs

The acquisition costs for the blades, used in die cutting, are low compared to many other manufacturing methods.

Minimized Material Waste

With our high-quality tool design, we can offer maximum utilization of the material, thus reducing material waste. 

Competitive Pricing

The overall costs of die cutting are often competitive compared to other cutting methods, allowing for the production of high-quality products at an affordable price.

Energy Efficiency

Compared to other cutting methods, die cutting is a highly energy-efficient option because with a single simple motion, we can cut multiple dozens of products at the same time. 


Are you looking for a reliable and skilled processor of cellular foam? At NMC Cellfoam, we have extensive experience in the processing of cellular foam and gladly offer our expertise to support your product manufacturing. We can process cellular foam for various purposes and shape it into complex and precise geometric forms. Utilizing modern equipment and tools, we ensure the high quality and precise finishing of our products. Our designers are available to assist in choosing the right material and processing methods if needed. Together, we can create high-quality and durable products that meet your needs and requirements. Explore our manufacturing methods and feel free to contact us!


We use various lamination technologies to bond different material layers together.


Three-dimensional machining and milling are also suitable for processing cellular foams.


Punching, or dry cutting, is a cost-effective solution for large production batches.


Waterjet cutting is a fast and flexible method to produce both prototypes and production batches with precision.


We thermoform and vacuum mold three-dimensional products for challenging applications.


Splitting machines play a central role in our production.

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